Challenge category:
Binary Exploitation Cryptography Forensics Miscellaneous Networks Open-Source Intelligence Radio Frequency Reverse Engineering Web Exploitation Welcome
Sanity Check
50 Points

Welcome to IrisCTF 2024! We worked really hard to make this event possible, and we really hope you enjoy what we cooked up this year. Above all else, we hope you have fun and learn something new!

Here's a freebie to introduce you to what the flag format looks like: irisctf{welc0me_to_1risc7f_2024} . Flags will follow this format unless otherwise specified.

By: IrisCTF Organizers
50 Points

One of the best parts about a CTF is meeting other people. We invite you to join the IrisCTF Discord server where you can talk in general about the event and computer hacking: .

If you run into snags during a challenge or just want to speak to the organizers privately, you can open up a ticket in #support . While we can't give solutions or flags, we can help clear up confusions or address problems. We're nice, we swear!

The flag for this item is in the description of #general . Note that solution and flag sharing with other teams is prohibited during the event, just like during any other CTF.

By: IrisCTF Organizers
Exit Survey
50 Points

Thank you so much for playing IrisCTF 2024!

In order to complete the form, you will need this code: irisctf_2024_ex1tsSvR3y Please don't share it!

By: IrisCTF Organizers